### Tokyo Tama Dojo The Tama Dojo, located in Tama City, Tokyo, Japan, is run by Natsuno Daisuke Sensei (5th Dan) with help from Mine Takami Sensei (5th Dan) and Kazama Shuei Sensei (4th Dan). Training is in the Hijirikan Hall and the Fukushi Center, both are near the Tama Center train station. ![1457606_592395017493835_1185989766_n-225x300.jpg](file-guid-ecaa045d-3672-4543-9679-eee73624f362) _Natsuno Sensei_ ![1456680_592395014160502_782506931_n-225x300.jpg](file-guid-826031ee-2118-49be-89c6-63f5406784d0) _Mine Sensei_ This enthusiastic team offers top quality instruction in Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan and Uechi Ryu Karate. Contact them at (+81) 090-3576-0589. Their English is limited but they always find ways to communicate and help students learn and grow. There are also bilingual students in the dojo who can help. Also feel free to contact a resource listed in our Commons area. ![Kazama-225x300.jpg](file-guid-4b1b1ba7-8544-4a5b-8eea-bc9f6dc13be9) _Kazama Sensei_ [For more information go to their website.](http://tamadojo.grupo.jp/) (Only in Japanese.)